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Running Advice!!

It’s great that the government has issued guidelines to allow us ‘a daily run outside’, however if you don’t normally run, this does not mean you have to start running!!

I appreciate we are all looking to keep healthy and fit, and use this opportunity to change our lifestyles, however please ask your self “is running for me?”

If you are a regular runner, don’t stop, keep er lit and keep running! The adrenaline, the rush, the outside, the fresh air is your fuel and sanity.

If you are not a regular runner, now may not be the time to start. Running can put a lot of stress on joints, muscles, backs and old injuries, and more than likely you will end up injured.

As a private physio, we treat these type of injuries every day, however in this current climate, we are recommended to treat Emergencies only. Unfortunately for you, your running injury is not an emergency. This puts you at risk of pain and missing out on other exercise activities.

However…If you would like to take this opportunity to start running, please follow a graduated running program like Couch to 5k (C25K)



Or there are many other plans out there too.

Some guidelines for starting exercise:

✓ Start slowly, short time, low weights/resistance, walk/run ratio

✓ Mix things up with cross training, eg Pilates, yoga, run, walk, online exercise program, cycle

✓ Wear suitable trainers with a good sole and arch support (not fashion trainers)

✓ Give yourself alternate rest days in the beginning to recover and see how your body reacts to the new movements

✓ Listen to your body, if you are sore maybe have a rest day

✓ Get plenty of sleep

✓ Keep hydrated by drinking water

✓ Warm up and cool down

✓ Foam roll to loosen and massage muscles. Here are links to some NDP videos you will find useful

I would advise against running every day. 3/4 times a week is perfect, with alternative exercises on other days

The same advice applies to new online exercise programs…. this is a marathon, not a sprint.

Feel free to get core and glut strength by following our NDP videos on you tube. Links below…

Plank variations

Glut rehab

The idea behind this post is to keep you injury free while trying new and exciting exercises.

It is amazing to see so many people coming together with exercise, so all in moderation.

#stayhealthy #keepfit #allinmoderation #listentoyourbody

Running Advice!!

It’s great that the government has issued guidelines to allow us ‘a daily run outside’, however if you don’t normally run, this does not mean you have to start running!!

I appreciate we are all looking to keep healthy and fit, and use this opportunity to change our lifestyles, however please ask your self “is running for me?”

If you are a regular runner, don’t stop, keep er lit and keep running! The adrenaline, the rush, the outside, the fresh air is your fuel and sanity.

If you are not a regular runner, now may not be the time to start. Running can put a lot of stress on joints, muscles, backs and old injuries, and more than likely you will end up injured.

As a private physio, we treat these type of injuries every day, however in this current climate, we are recommended to treat Emergencies only. Unfortunately for you, your running injury is not an emergency. This puts you at risk of pain and missing out on other exercise activities.

However…If you would like to take this opportunity to start running, please follow a graduated running program like Couch to 5k (C25K)



Or there are many other plans out there too.

Some guidelines for starting exercise:

✓ Start slowly, short time, low weights/resistance, walk/run ratio

✓ Mix things up with cross training, eg Pilates, yoga, run, walk, online exercise program, cycle

✓ Wear suitable trainers with a good sole and arch support (not fashion trainers)

✓ Give yourself alternate rest days in the beginning to recover and see how your body reacts to the new movements

✓ Listen to your body, if you are sore maybe have a rest day

✓ Get plenty of sleep

✓ Keep hydrated by drinking water

✓ Warm up and cool down

✓ Foam roll to loosen and massage muscles. Here are links to some NDP videos you will find useful

I would advise against running every day. 3/4 times a week is perfect, with alternative exercises on other days

The same advice applies to new online exercise programs…. this is a marathon, not a sprint.

Feel free to get core and glut strength by following our NDP videos on you tube. Links below…

Plank variations

Glut rehab

The idea behind this post is to keep you injury free while trying new and exciting exercises.

It is amazing to see so many people coming together with exercise, so all in moderation.

#stayhealthy #keepfit #allinmoderation #listentoyourbody

On Pause for a while

Well… what a day… what a week… What is to come???

For now we have paused the workings of NDP until such time that our lives return to a new normal.

Today we spoke and cried with many clients, sharing this disbelief and fear of the unknown.

Everyone is affected by this either physically, mentally or financially, however we will all come back stronger.

We recognise that people will still have their knee pain, get injured, suffer from back pain, or have a flare up and this is where we are always happy to help in any way we can.

To make this easier for our clients in these difficult times, we are introducing telephone consultations and video calls.

This will enable us to make a detailed assessment of your health problem and offer expert advice, self treatment hacks, and rehab exercises.

Please phone the Clinic (028 90425517) to book a phone call or a video call.

The Physio will then phone you back at an agreed time.

These calls will be charged at a reduced consultation rate and card payment will be requested over the phone at time of booking.

Please take care of yourself and your families 💗💗


NDP is 11 years old 🎂

Happy Birthday NDP!

11 years ago I decided to enter into the physiotherapy business world and what a great decision that was.

Every day I love my job, every day I love meeting people, every day I love helping people. I am lucky to say, my job is my passion (that sounds cheesy, but it’s true!).

Yes, there are some challenging days (especially now), however I am grateful for the amazing Team I have around me that makes my life easier.

Cheers to many more years in business 🥂

Julia 🌈

Pilates Classes cancelled

As anticipated, we are cancelling our Pilates classes until further notice.

Please follow our news section in the NDP App and social media for videos to keep you Pilates-fit!!

Business as usual, for now.

We are still “Business as Usual” at North Down Physio, however we are very aware of the guidelines and recommend travel restrictions.

We are not generally considered an “essential service”, however to some people in pain and with daily mobility struggles, we are considered “essential”.

To those clients that wish to cancel their appointments…

We appreciate your decision and our receptionists are there to take your call, and reassure you. (There will obviously be no cancellation fee charged!)

To those clients that wish to keep their appointments…

We will be here for you, as long as we are in good health (and you too), and there are no further restrictions placed on businesses.

Guidelines will change over the coming days and weeks that will impact on North Down Physio, so please keep up to date on our social media.

Studio classes on as usual

After discussions today and following recommend government guidelines, we would like to reassure all of our Pilates clients that our classes are running as normal.

We are reviewing this decision daily, and if and when we need to restrict our classes, we will post a notification through our app, like this one, or we will phone you personally.

We also have plans in place, when we do close, for you to keep up your Pilates fitness!! So keep an eye out for future posts!

NDP Corona Virus update

We would like to reassure all our clients that, at NDP, we are implementing a heightened level of sanitising, and have been for the last few weeks.

We already had a standard rigorous protocol for cleansing our treatment space, and now in light of Covid-19 we have stepped this up a gear.

We are also following the ever updating Government and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy corona virus guidelines to keep the Clinic and Studio environment as safe as it can be to minimise the risk to our clients and staff.

We have 9 hand sanitiser units throughout the clinic, that we ask you to avail of on entering and leaving.

We wipe our treatment room equipment and studio equip after every use.

Couch roll gets disposed of, towels get laundered regularly.

Reception furniture, debit card unit, door handles, buzzer buttons etc all wiped on a hourly rota.

Hand washing facilities are available and encouraged regularly.

We are doing our bit in the Clinic, however we also need your cooperation. We are insisting that anyone who is feeling unwell, has a fever or cough, with shortness of breath, NOT to attend for your Physiotherapy appointment or class in order to help us maintain this safe environment.

This is an ever changing situation, and we are constantly communicating with our staff on best practice.

As an alternative…

If any of our clients, unable to attend in person, would like a telephone call or video call from one of our Physiotherapists over the coming weeks, we can arrange this.

This is obviously not as effective as hands on treatment, however with our highly skilled Therapists, you will be surprised at the quality of assessment, diagnosis and treatment advice we can offer from a distance!

Even if it’s just that kind word of reassurance or those all important self help tips!

Please phone the clinic and leave your details at reception if you would like a call back.

We will, or course, keep you posted of any significant developments, however for now, it is Business As Usual!

International Women’s Day

#iwd2020 I am so lucky, look at this team of strong, kind, thoughtful, respectful and caring Women I have the pleasure of working with. You amaze me every day 💗 #physio #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #sports #injury #northdown #northdownmums #workfamily❤️ #lovemywork

International Women’s Day

#iwd2020 I am so lucky, look at this team of strong, kind, thoughtful, respectful and caring Women I have the pleasure of working with. You amaze me every day 💗 #physio #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #sports #injury #northdown #northdownmums #workfamily❤️ #lovemywork