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Working from home?

Over the last 9 months we have recognised a rise in neck, back and shoulder pain with so many of our clients making the move to working from home.

We frequently hear our clients describe they are •working for 9 hours plus a day
•sitting at an unadjustable kitchen table or basic office desk
•using a stool/kitchen chair or old office chair
•using a laptop or often multiple screens propped at an inappropriate height.

Sound familiar?!

This will lead to stress on your body.

Here are a few tips…

Move often– take time away from your desk to walk about and stretch, or stretch at your desk, regularly.
Keep hydrated– drink plenty of water (about 4 pints a day) keep the number of cups of tea and coffee under check.
Get your blood pumping– Make time for some form of cardiovascular exercise every day eg walking, cycling, running.
Take time out for your mental health- do something you enjoy, meditation, yoga, Pilates.
Breathe– diaphragmatic breathing can restore mind and body health.
Look at your workstation ergonomics– Invest in a good office chair and accessories- you will not regret it.

During Covid restrictions it is difficult to “test drive” different workstation options, however we have come across a local company that will allow exactly this.

Workshop is based on Oxford Street, Belfast and is open 9.30am to 3.30pm Monday to Friday by appointment only.

A quick 20 minute visit to their showroom will allow the consultant to talk you through the functions of their operator chairs to find the right one for you (we are all different shapes and sizes) plus introduce you to height adjustable workstations and monitor arms.

Imagine sitting on an ergonomic adjustable chair, adjusting your screen and having the option to sit or stand. Sounds great, and your body will love the change of position.

The Workshop collection varies in price tag, however if you are currently working from home, looking at your desk set up is essential. Consider this an investment in your body. Maybe your work will supplement the cost, especially if this is a long term office move.

At Workshop, all staff adhere to Covid-19 government guidelines. You will be asked to wear a face mask and your details will be logged for track and trace.

If you would like further info please contact Julie on 02890315001 or julie@workshop-ni.co.uk  
Check them out @ www.workshop-ni.co.uk

If you know of any other local NI business open for this service, please let us know so we can form a network to advise and direct our clients appropriately.

Lockdown Restrictions Update

In keeping with the current NI Lockdown restrictions, only essential journeys are permitted.

To keep our clients and our staff safe and in keeping with the guidelines issued by our CSP, we need to continue to triage all calls to ensure only essential visits are made.

Travelling for a medical physiotherapy appointment is allowed, and, if you are comfortable with attending, hands on treatment face to face is our preferred option. In other cases, we will carry out a phone or video consultation for self help advice and exercises.

To minimise the risk of infection from this new, highly contagious strain of Covid 19, we need to continue to ask your Covid screening questions and adhere to the highest infection prevention control procedures.

For appointments, we would ask:- Please arrive at your appointment time and where possible, come alone, bringing a facemask, mobile phone and credit/debit card for payment.

If you or someone in your household is Covid positive or self-isolating, please let us know, as we can offer video consultations at a time that suits you.

Thank-you all for your patience through these times. We are very grateful to you, our clients, for supporting us in our new operating procedures.