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Mark Robson

“I think I can safely say that without North Down Physio I would probably have failed to start any of the most recent Mourne Mountain Marathons. The magic hands of Steve Spence have alleviated several nasty though mostly self inflicted injuries and his help, along with that of the rest of the staff in North Down Physio, has helped me enormously in managing a chronic back complaint. The wonderful “footwork” of the girls …. all of whom have Lionel Messi like skills in that department… allied to Steve’s ability to accurately and instantly pinpoint a problem have made life a lot more comfortable for me and allowed me to continue training !

Steve’s most spectacular success was with my torn hamstring. I did the damage on a Friday night – Steve treated me at 0630 the following morning – and an hour later I was on the start line for the Mourne Mountain’s “Seven Sevens” Challenge. The hamstring was still sore, naturally, but incredibly I had enough movement in it to finish an 18 mile challenge. Told you – Magic Hands that man Spence.”