Inhale and Exhale
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Where has the last 6 weeks of lockdown gone to??!!
Our lives have changed, and we are continuing to adapt to the “new norm”.
The weeks to come will bring more change and different normals, and then more change, however, hopefully all for the better.
Our bodies and minds are going through these changes with our environment, however, we are so programmed to do the same thing for so long, are bodies are a bit slower to adapt.
This can lead to mental and physical micro traumas, that present in upset sleep, pain onset, anxiousness, stress, feeling overwhelmed, overthinking and many more.
We are lucky at NDP to have Chartered Physiotherapists who specialise in Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture, Myofascial Release (MFR), Craniosacral Therapy (CST) and a few things considered amazingly alternative.
If you are into this alternative, or want to try something new, here are a few ideas to get the most from your (1) breathing, (2) self-acupressure, and (3) energy holds, especially in this virus stricken world.
I have explained these over 3 separate posts so keep watching!
#stayathome #staysafe
The breath is an incredibly powerful way to restore health to the body. The healing power of the breath has been studied and researched since ancient times.
Breathing affects the brain by regulating the nervous system.
Fear and stress are known to
• alter the immune response,
• upset the sleep/wake cycle
• and contribute to anxiety, mood swings and phobias.
Breathing slowly, into the belly activates the parasympathetic nervous system which calms and recharges us.
Coherent conscious breathing can help to regulate the nervous system.
• Waken/warm up the body with shaking movements and tapping/clapping the limbs and chest wall
• Check into what the body is feeling and acknowledge what you feel
• Sit spine straight or lie comfortably on your back
• Breathe in for a count of six, breathe out for a count of six
• Keep shoulders face, neck, jaw, arms and legs soft and relaxed
• Repeat for up to 20 mins.