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Are you training for a marathon??

Historically at this time of year we have noticed a spike in running injuries presenting to the clinic.

We have a cluster of popular Marathons in April and May, however it is generally in February that the marathon training programs start to demand an increase in intensity with longer and more challenging runs.

This is when injuries can creep in.

Be proactive…..Here are a few tips to keep you on schedule for your marathon….start these now!!

• Treat your leg muscles to regular sports massage every 3/4 weeks

• Wear compression socks and elevate your legs after your runs

• Remember to warm up and cool down

• Hydrate and eat well

• Get lots of sleep

• Cross train with bike/rower/xtrainer/weight training

• Use rest days to recover with Pilates, yoga or swim

• Buy 2 pairs of the same recommended trainers and rotate them

At NDP, we offer a Running Assessment that will highlight any biomechanical issues and/or weakness. From this we can advise on a rehab programme to treat/prevent injuries.

If you have already developed an injury, come and see us sooner than later. All our physios are fully Chartered and specialise in sports injuries. You will have a thorough assessment, diagnosis, management advice and treatment of your injury.

Steve Spence is our Massage Practitioner with a wealth of knowledge and hands on experience with sports injuries. He has completed numerous Ironman competitions, so the conversation naturally steers to running, and specific practical and mental advice aimed to improve your performance.

We also have our Pilates classes and Reformer Pilates that are essential for core strength, movement awareness, balancing those overused muscles, and weakening up the sleepy ones!

Whatever your running goals, We are here to help you 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻🏅