At NDP our Traditional Authentic Thai Massage is delivered by our professionally certified therapist, Kay Crawford. Kay grew up in Thailand and learnt massage from her grandmother at a young age, developing many traditional styles as well as obtaining professional certification from The Union of Thai Traditional Medicine Society.
Traditional Thai Medicinal Massage
Traditional Thai massage is an ancient healing system combining acupressure and assisted yoga postures. Thai massage uses no oils or lotions. The recipient remains clothed during this one hour treatment. There is constant body contact between the giver and receiver, but rather than rubbing on muscles, the body is compressed, pulled, stretched and rocked.
Thai Hot Oil Massage
Thai hot oil massage is done with pure essential oil which has the benefit of aromatherapy alongside with all the benefits above of a Traditional Thai Massage but with additional kneading, gentle strokes and applied pressure to specific areas which relieves tension and relaxes muscles.